Understanding Resilience
As COVID-19 spreads far and wide, a team of Lehigh researchers quickly pivots to study how individuals perceive, respond to and recover from the pandemic's impact.
Read more response to COVID-19 stories >
A continued commitment to preparing students to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
This is Lehigh
At the highest levels across the university, we are actively monitoring COVID-19 and taking measures to support the health and well-being of our campus community during these extraordinary times. 教程 - 免流最佳首选之v2ray搭建教程 - 爱小助:2021-3-13 · 最近宅在家里好无聊,刚好最近墙又有动作,q了一大波服务器,而我搭建v2ray免流的服务器依旧稳定,所伍再把自己教程帖子翻出来安利给大家,稳稳的,但是不建议搭建某酸某汝,因为某酸某汝现在已经不稳定了,容
Recognized among the nation’s premier research universities, Lehigh offers a rigorous academic community for over 7,000 students.
As COVID-19 spreads far and wide, a team of Lehigh researchers quickly pivots to study how individuals perceive, respond to and recover from the pandemic's impact.
Read more response to COVID-19 stories >
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From the classroom to the community, here on campus and around the world, Lehigh students, faculty and alumni are working to enact positive change.
Sirry Alang is a medical sociologist and a health services researcher whose work explores structural racism within the healthcare system and how it affects the organization and delivery of health services. She recently shared her perspective on the factors contributing to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color in the U.S. Professor Alang's commitment to public scholarship was recently recognized when she was named to the inaugural Engaged Scholars Initiative cohort through Campus Compact.
During the stay-at-home orders to fight COVID-19, Brittany Crampsie ’13 ’14G spread joy by playing her cello and sharing her music over Twitter. She said she was grateful “for the ability to share something that is bringing other people any amount of happiness.” Crampsie is press secretary to Pa. Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa Jr. She has won Central Penn Business Journal’s “40 Under 40,” City & State’s “40 Under 40” and PoliticsPA’s “30 Under 30” awards.
In a spirit of unity amidst adversity, Adrian Suarez ’22 initiated a student-led fundraiser, The COVID-19 Variety Show, and helped to galvanize the Lehigh community to support non-profit organizations during the global pandemic. The virtual show showcased the efforts and talents of the Lehigh community through song, dance, and more. Suarez, who is studying economics and global studies, has served as Gryphon for the First Generation house and vice president for the Global Union.
The tree-lined and usually bustling Memorial Walkway awaits students’ return.
International musician Bakithi Kumalo, longtime bass player for Paul Simon, and Will Smith keyboardist and composer, mentored students while in residence at Zoellner Arts Center this spring.
Hip Hop theater students presented their final performances virtually.
Lehigh welcomes Nathan Urban, the university’s new provost and senior vice president for academic affairs.
Essential workers like Jordan Strause keep Lehigh running, even during a pandemic.
Travis Martinez ’21 79.手机翻墙方法推荐:稳定,节点多,速度4K秒开,不限制 ...:翻墙的环境,适用于安卓手机 使用建议: 目前速度不错,建议有需求的朋友使用,因为过段时间有可能不能使用,速度也会降低 翻墙工具下载地址:点击这里进入 内容推荐: 1.本频道分享科学上网及其他实用技巧,欢迎大家关注我的频道:上网有技巧 this past spring.
Karen Sicinski is one of the front line nurses caring for students in Lehigh's Health & Wellness Center.
Professor Nick Strandwitz is one of many Lehigh faculty members who balanced virtual teaching and raising kids during the pandemic (his son is pictured here).
President Simon hosts conversations with campus leaders on the forefront of change on his new podcast, “Go Getters.”
Assistant Director in the Office of Residence Life, Monica Carson is one of the staff members checking on students during this unprecedented campus experience.
Students and professors have been leaning on their creativity and creating comics to help them cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through ecological field research, behavioral tests, and population genetics and genomics, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Amber Rice investigates how new species arise.
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Professor Gómez, College of Health, on BBC Radio’s Good Morning Scotland v2rayng苹果客户端下载.
The Health, Science & Technology Building is back under construction.
Married former scholar-athletes make a difference in the medical field during the pandemic.
A group of Lehigh students pulled together the “v2ray安卓版下载” to showcase student talent and raise funds for local frontline workers.
The stillness of Lehigh’s beautiful campus created a haven for local wildlife this summer.
Natalie Maroun ’21 recounts her study abroad trip to Italy this past spring and vultr服务器管理客户端下载-vultr服务器管理器手机版v1.1.0 ...:2 天前 · vultr服务器管理器手机版是一款专业的手机vultr服务器管理器软件,支持远程vultr服务器连接、shell伋码连接、服务器连接、自定义脚本辅助等功能,完全免费,帮你降低服务器压力,节约资金压力!.
In an effort to help area hospitals and medical centers, Lehigh has 3D-printed and delivered, nearly 500 face shields.